
Pansy 'Orange Sun' 240 Seeds (Viola X Wittrockiana) Flower Hybrid

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Pansy 'Orange Sun' 240 Seeds (Viola X Wittrockiana) Flower Hybrid

Biennial flowers with bright orange colour, slightly wavy blossoms with tiny white middle eye. These flowers are real eye catchers grown alone or in groups with other color pansies. Grows 10-15cm (3.9-5.9in) tall and are perfect for growing in pots, containers, borders, balconies, flower gardens. Absolutely gorgeous, adding a tasteful, lovely touch to every garden and home. These flowers are hearty in cool weather.

Growing: Not suitable for tropical climate.

Planting season: spring, indoors, 6-8 weeks prior transplanting; direct seeding in lte winter for early spring and summer flowering, or plant seeds in the summer for winter flowering.

Soil: well moist, humus-rich, well drained soil.

Sowing depth: 0.4in (1cm) deep.

Spacing: 7-12in (17-30cm) apart.

Light: full sun/partial shade.

Watering: frequent and plentiful, making sure that soil is constantly moist.

Fertilizing: use general, all-puporse fertilizer around the flowers to help them grow.

USDA hardiness zone 4 to 8.


All our seeds are strictly Non-GMO, Untreated, Free of any possible harmful chemical compounds. All come from trusted and carefully selected small, non-commercial farmers worldwide that provide fresh, safe supply.*


*This item is currently unavailable at our SG fulfilment centre and would be sent from our branch in Europe at no extra charge. Delivery takes 10-14 days via Registered mail.*



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